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Sept/Oct 2003

IPNTA Issues Booklet On Community Healing After 9-11

IPNTA members who were active in helping residents during the horror days of September 11, 2001, have put their experiences and recommendations on surviving disasters and “healing” a community into print.

Neighbor to Neighbor: The Downtown Solution,” a 16-page pamphlet, is being distributed to thousands of residents in the downtown area.

Residents of IPN will also receive an emergency response form, to be completed and placed in lobby boxes.

Emphasizing the importance of neighborhood organizing, person to person communication, and willingness to reach out to neighbors in need, the pamphlet is designed to assist residents of any community in preparing themselves for unprecedented – perhaps unthinkable – crises.

On September 11, 2001 and the days immediately following, IPNTA was able to mobilize to confront a multitude of life-threatening situations facing residents.

Among them were elderly and infirm tenants who had no electricity or running water, no access to medications, and general panic among the area's population. Residents of one of the three buildings comprising IPN had to evacuate for a week.

Printing was provided by Bowne Printing and staff assistance for the pamphlet was provided by the Downtown Community Resource Center.

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