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November 2005

Changing of the Guard: Lynn Walsh Steps Down as Treasurer; Jean Hartman Assumes Role

Lynn Walsh has been our treasurer during the critical past four years.

She has generously given her time to handle large membership drives,defense fund collections, bookkeeping for bill payments, etc. She has done a responsible job for us while at the same time running her own accounting business full time—and overtime during tax seasons. Lynn has expressed her desire to retire from the position as treasurer at this time. We certainly can understand that, after putting in so much time and effort, she wants to focus on her own company and family. We sincerely appreciate all the devoted help she has given to us tenants at IPN.

Jean Hartman, the V.P. of 40 Harrison Street has substantial bookkeeping experience. She has offered to take over as Treasurer, and Lynn has been working with her for several months to make the transition.

In order for Jean to take over as Treasurer, we have asked Vicki Green, Vice President At Large, who lives in 40 Harrison Street, to take over the position of 40 Harrison's VP.Since Vicki is also very involved in voucher assistance and building services, Jean will offer her help as will our other VP at large, Felix Ortiz.

Thanks again to Lynn Walsh. As always, any member who would like to review the books, or discuss finances, is welcome to do so.

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