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March 2004

Thanks for a Great Flea Market

The IPNTA Flea Market held on March 6 and 7 was very successful, and filled with fun for all who participated. It wouldn't have happened without the generosity of the donors (we started the day with over 100 cartons of donations), as well as without the hard-working volunteers who pitched in, sometimes at odd hours, set up attractively, took good care of the many customers, and packed up around 150 cartons of stuff for the next Flea Market in April. And, of course, thanks to the ardent shoppers.

Also thanks to Deborah Dolan and to the porters who readied the community room for us.

The next flea market will be held on April 3rd and 4th, from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. We appreciate donations of freshly baked goods, which will be sold to refresh our shoppers. Feel free to donate while the market is open. To donate and/or volunteer, call Anna Leah Braudes at (212) 619-4729.

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