July 2004
Got Problems? IPNTA Continues
To Help Tenants Resolve Transition Issues
As everybody knows by now, the agreement reached between IPNTA and Laurence
Gluck, the new owner of Independence Plaza North, will keep the home of
every tenant in good standing affordable.
With all such agreements, there’s a lot of paperwork involved.
Most tenants have submitted the required papers, and have received notice
that they will either get a government voucher (which requires that they
pay 30% of their income for rent), or will be designated a “LAP”
tenant (which stands for landlord assistance program), under which they
will pay rent mostly in accord with rent stabilization.
Nevertheless, some tenants have been wrongly designated; some have received
no notice whatsoever from the City; some have even received wrongful eviction
IPNTA has been working ceaselessly to help tenants work through this
bureaucratic snafu. But not every problem has been resolved.
So for any tenant with any remaining problem, we recommend the following:
1) Write your name, address (with apartment number), and telephone,
and place it in the IPNTA box in your lobby. You will be called by a member
of IPNTA, who will then set up an appointment to discuss the problem and
help you resolve it.
2) For tenants who wish to handle this issue by themselves, call Angel
Campos at HPD, 212-863-6998.
3) If you cannot get through to Mr. Campos, try calling the City’s
hotline: 311.
4) On a computer, click onto www.nyc.gov. In the City Agencies search
box, scroll down to Housing-HPD. You may find answers to your questions
there. If you have trouble, leave a note in the tenant lobby box, and
we will help you navigate the site.
5) Finally, if you decide to hire your own lawyer, here are some suggested
pro-tenant attorneys. But remember, they will charge you a fee:
William Gribben, Himmelstein & McConnell, 212-349-3000;
Kathy Grad, Grad & Weinraub, 212-732-0400; James Fishman, Fishman
& Neal, 212-406-0570.
(Very low-income tenants can try calling Legal Serices of NY: Jackie Gerger,
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